Thursday, October 13, 2011

A personal connect

Hey you 2..

till you both overcome the hurdles of posting in here.. I thought of boring you with my rants.. so like I said I watched one epi of KTLK the other day when Mohnish Behl chides the young intern/heroine for being negligent and reminding her of the demands of medicine.. and later on the lady doc reaffirms the stringent expectations clinical science as a profession demands of its followers.. so yesterday and today's epi was about contemplation and decision making from the girl's end.. her father relieving her of the dying wish of her mom to see her as a doc.. (very poignant scene) and finally the girl deciding to quit.. coz she never really wanted to become a doc.. the scene btw her and mohnish.. was definitely class apart.. take it from me.. after MB I find one more show with a very honest screenplay and story-telling.. it almost feels like I am watching a good old 90s show before the cable tv boom and ekta histronics hit the industry.. Munira I know you are a fan of the original and if you saw this version.. you would be more apt to tell me that the screenplay is also an adaptation.. but I thought if I have to catch up on DK as it is.. I might as well see if the adaptation is any good.. esp if there are actors I like... like Mohnish and the girl's dad.. (played by this old DD actor who I think played tenalirama)am totally loving him..

the girl is yet to find a connect with me.. but still she is much better than most tv heroines.. or like I said maybe its the screenplay and direction.. This defo looks like a team who knows their art well.. to come up with a genuine adaptation keeping the essence intact.. mom saw DK too and is loving this version just as much.. but the downside of it is.. it is basically a romantic saga.. and I really don't care for it so much as the interplay of equations btw father-daughter and in fact even the lady doc Malika and Mohnish.. those are very real.. even the 2 young girl's friendship is real and not glossed over / superficial.. So kools as of now If I had to recommend a show in real time it wld be KTLK for the simple treatment and direction but the depth in portrayal.. Mohnish and the side actors are a different league altogether.. there is so much to what's unsaid.. nuances of expressions in his little moment of contemplation and nostalgia over the interns innocence yet lack of maturity.. but as she tells him she is quitting his eclectic emotions in a minute is a rare sight on tv these days.. Mohnish defo adds dimensions to the character of the senior doctor/mentor.. whereas the other scene today with the lady doc telling the intern I envy you.. coz you decided not to compromise with your spirit to meet the demands of this profession.. once I was like you.. but I couldn't dare to.. and today I am successful but at a cost.. very poignant scene.. the father asking her you should be happy after quitting and the girl admitting I am equally weirded out that am not.. and he goes.. strange are the ways of joy.. and its eccentricities.. sometimes it eludes u in wealth but shows up with a cup of tea.. sigh.. this sheer peace on the father's face..

anyhow enough of my rant.. half way through the next part of my SS.. but hesitant on finishing the rest.. as its tougher.. LOL typical..hoping you guys make time to reply over the weekend.. and Kools I have another post in mind.. once you start on Fountainhead..

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