Monday, October 10, 2011

Carpe Diem

Hellu people...

Finally decided to create this blog as a means for some of us to keep in touch.. esp now that our much loved and discussed till death MB is not on air.. and before we take our own tangents on shows.. I thought it was smart to open a blog to stay in touch..

So let's share our sensibilities.. just as we have in the past.. much as it has become a daily habit.. On a day when I am deeply saddened by the news of the Ghazal Maestro's presence departing us.. I can't help quote these very lines from one of my fave. ghazals of his..

Waqt rahta nahi tik kar..Uski aadat bhi aadmi si hain..
Shaam se aankh mein nami si hain..Aj phir aap ki kami si hain

On that note let's continue to fill our evenings like we used to.. till recently.. brainstorming.. going back and forth.. on contrasting convictions.. what made it interesting was just how compelling they were.. in spite of its diversity.. Finding a context has never been a problem with us.. what say Kools beta.. LOL..and Munira -in fact I am hoping you would inaugurate with your analysis of (one of my recent faves beside MB)..

so let's roll the dice..

Carpe Diem
(sieze the day)


  1. Lovely blog . We can brainstorm back and forth till the cows come home . U wanna know why I fell for IMV like a ton of bricks .Coz he had shades of Heathcliff in him . I am a SUCKER for Heathcliffian characters .

  2. till the cows come home.. ROFLLLLLLL.. dang I missed you.. and so happy u kept the same name ;) now let's see what Munira goes with.. LOL..

    As for IMV.. well yup the Heathcliffian trait that you mention was defo extremely attractive about him.. I always admired him.. but this one scene- one of the first where he goes to his room and turns on the bade achche lagte hain song.. only the opening music plays out.. and he sits.. the trace of anguish buried under the steel was goosebump worthy.. sigh IMV

    but what again made IMV cut above the rest was this surreal mix of realism and intellect..calling him evil is just so simplifying him.. his complexity was worth way more.. esp the tug at his heart Devki managed to pull or his rare moments of melancholy.. when he advices Vaibhav.. sigh I dont even expect to see another character close to him on Indian TV.. what a GEM
